According to Yahoo news, tickets for the advance screenings of Twilight's follow up film
New Moon is already selling like Crocs (before the recession).
Nine weeks prior to the movie's release.
I never understood the thrill of having to watch a movie a few hours ahead of everybody else.
For a totally new and unreleased film, I kinda get it.
You wanna be one of the first ones to know how the story goes and how it ends.
But for "New Moon"?
What's the point?
You already know the story.
You already know how it will end.
What do you get from seeing it ahead?
Bragging rights that you already saw it?
Which lasts only a couple of hours?
If the producers add in a little incentive for advanced screening versions like a new twist, or a
different outfit for Bella or a couple of extra scenes with werewolf sex, then maybe I could understand the clamor for the tickets.
But no.
It's exactly the same movie everyone else will see the next day!
So why the rush?
Will I go and see it?
As soon as I get a delayed screening ticket.