Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are we Homo Sapiens Ver 2.0?

According to scientific theories, if humans suddenly disappear on the face of the planet today, it will only take 10,000 years for mother nature to erase all of the traces of our existence here on earth.

History Channel: Life After People

^very interesting and plausible theories

Then i happened to stumble upon some infos about impossible fossils.

a spark plug embedded inside a 500,000 year old rock, a human hand print on a 100 million year old limestone, a human footprint on a 300 million year old shale deposit, etc...

Which led me to believe that it is VERY possible that some form of intelligent creatures (not aliens) lived here on planet earth before us. They were a technologically advanced beings like us. But somehow, they became extinct. Mother Nature erased the traces of their existence and allowed the next tenants to evolve into us.

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