The eccentric director teams up once again with the eccentric actor.
For the 7th time, storyteller Tim Burton takes out his favorite puppet, Johnny Depp, from his chest of toys. This time, for a re-imagining of Lewis Caroll's Alice In Wonderland.
I know what you're thinking... Another movie with Johnny Depp in an over the top makeup made by a director with a track record of overdoing his visuals. Right? Same old thing right? Boring right?
Its Alice in F*cking Wonderland!
If there's one story most fitting for this two freakishly odd artists, it's gotta be this.
An LSD hallucination inspired tale of a girl trapped in a dream. With characters so off beat and sequences so far out that is almost not suitable for children. A queen who orders heads chopped off at whim, the demonic cheshire cat, and of course, the crazy hatter, which is going to be played by...

Just look at that picture and tell me you're not excited. You can't. It's impossible not to get excited.
Word is, except for a few character photos, Burton's visual style for this film is under a very tight secrecy cloak. He said he can't tell exactly what the look is going to be like because there's absolutely nothing like it ever done before.
The story will not be a remake of the previous movie. Nor an interpretation of the 2 books. It will take place a few years after the 2nd book ("Through a looking glass"). Which means Alice is now a (hot) teenager. Although the main plot is not yet revealed, it will revolve around Alice going back to the wonderland and meet again with the weird creatures she saw the last time.
Tim Burton has created some of the most memorable worlds in cinema's history. Edward Scissorhands, Chocolate Factory, Big Fish, Sleepy Hollow, Planet of the Apes, Beetlejuice, and Batman. And Johnny Depp has become some of the most extraordinary icons ever. Edward, Willy Wonka, Sweeney Todd and Jack Sparrow,
Each one of those world was amazing.
And Each one of those characters were addicting.
I can't wait to get inside this Wonderland.
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