too many assholes on the street
It has been scientifically proven that for every 10 drivers in the Philippines, 8 are retarded.
The other 2 are either a reincarnation of Attila the Hun or a descendant of Jack the Ripper.
And simply put, I don't wanna be a part of it.
i don't trust my instincts
I can't tell whether I'm going fast or slow enough. I wouldn't know when to shift up. I don't react fast enough. I brake too late, or too early. I can never do a decent reverse park. I just don't trust myself controlling a machine I cannot carry. You know that saying "the car is the extension of the driver's body"? I don't feel it. I'm me. The car is the car.
drinking and driving
I'm a drinker. And I would have hated to be forced to stop drinking because I'm going to drive.
That's what taxis and "friends" are for.
i can daydream
Don't you wish you could just stare outside the window during long drives in the country? Enjoy the beautiful views? The scenic Bob Ross mountains, the majestic cloud formations above, the enigmatic ravines below? Don't you wish you could just smile foolishly while everything zooms past you? Never having to think. Never having to care. Just you and the forever moving world?
That's right, you can't. Because you're too busy driving.
too much video games
Gran Turismo, Need for Speed, Driver, Wipeout.
Those are the only driving I've ever done that i enjoyed. With my oversimplistic mentality on the concept of driving, I'm afraid I might subconsciously apply it in the real world.
I like being utos-free.